
Devices used in life science must be highly reliable.

To do so, only solutions that have been certified for their performance in an experienced and diverse industry must be used. The solution of LAON PEOPLE provides a system solution suitable for individual work in laboratory automation, medical technology and pharmaceutical area.

Experience the construction case of other companies that introduced LAON PEOPLE's artificial intelligence software + 3D camera first.


Product Specific Specifications

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Capsule Defect Inspection Information

Applied Solutions


NAVI AI Mercury


Capsule Defect Inspection

Various types of defects occur at sites that produce capsule-type tablets.

There is a limit to check various types of defects with rule-based inspection, such as incorrect packaging quantity, broken pills, etc.

To accurately determine the defect even if a new type of defect image is entered, LAON PEOPLE uses the AI inspection software, NAVI AI Mercury, to conduct the inspection.

Because the inspection is performed using the data learned about the type of defect that occurred in the field, the new type of defect can be determined to be accurate.



Overview of Inspection

  • ​Inspection Field: Pharmaceuticals
  • Inspection Parts: Tablets (capsule)
  • Inspection Type: Capsule defect inspection
  • Inspection Solution: NAVI AI Mercury


Features and Benefits of LAON PEOPLE

  • ​Possible to inspect various types



Multi-code for the Serialization System of Medicine and Medical Supplies Information



In 2011, it became mandatory to attach bar codes to the pharmaceutical sector for the purpose of enhancing transparency in the safe use and distribution of medicines in connection with the Pharmaceutical Barcode Act and the medicine and medical supplies serialization system. As bar code attachment became mandatory, the process of scanning bar codes also took a long time. Here is an example of LAON PEOPLE's multi-bar code application that will ease the time and burden of the process.

For example, if you need to read 50 bar codes, it takes one minute for the operator to scan them one by one, but LAON PEOPLE's multi-bar code solution makes it easy to read 50 bar codes in two to three seconds. LAON PEOPLE's solutions can save time for workers. Try reducing the overall process time by reducing the bar code reading time.




Overview of Inspection

  • Inspection Field: Pharmaceuticals
  • Inspection Product: Pharmaceutical label bar code
  • Inspection Item: Recognize individual barcodes in one go together at once. 





Features and Benefits of LAON PEOPLE

  • High-speed reading of all kinds of multi-barcode
  • Powerful multi-code reading engine that reads up to 200 bar codes simultaneously
  • Read the wide area at high speed with a high-resolution camera (~25MPixel)
  • Flexible solution configuration based on recognition range and reading speed 
  • High-speed reading of all kinds of multi-barcode 



< < Input Image (Left), Bar Code Reading Image (Right) > >





Pill Classification Inspection Information
Applied Solutions
NAVI AI - Mercury
Defects often occur due to various causes during the production and packaging process of the pill. There are a number of defective cases, such as when no pills are inserted, broken pills, or a fixed number of pills are not included. The existing 'rule-based' inspection was almost impossible to detect due to various limitations.

Limitations of Template Registration
Template matching is a method of registering a Golden template and comparing it one by one. Therefore, the more templates are registered, the more time the examination takes. However, if the shape and location of the defect appear unstructured, it will not be detectable by template matching.

Difficulty setting parameters
The processing of the rule-based image results in different results depending on the parameter value. When setting parameters of the inspection program, it takes a lot of time to find new parameters when the environment changes due to various environment variables

NAVI AI Mercury Beyond Limits (Classification Inspection SW)
Depending on the placement/angle/broken size of the pill for the various defect cases, the appearance/brightness/position of the image is so varied that the number of cases is infinite. Traditional methods required designing algorithms and finding optimal parameters for some images, giving up detection of some defects, or setting new optimal parameters when an image of an unconsidered shape was introduced. However, LAONPEOPLE's classification inspection SW - NAVI AI Mercury, like humans, can be classified even if new images are introduced that have not been learned by learning each defect feature, and image gen technology shows strong detection performance despite changes in the environment. Also, with the deep Learning algorithm and NVIDIA CUDA, inspection is possible at a superior speed compared to conventional image processing methods.

1. Flexible Response
Users can flexibly cope with new samples and changing environments by learning the classification of images without creating complex environments such as parameter setting or deep learning and creating the desired inspection environment.

2. Detection without Error
The inspection is always conducted on a certain basis to reduce existing human errors (such as reduced detection capability according to different criteria/tiredness depending on the inspector).

3. Fast Detection Speed
It is possible to inspect about 50 sheets per second based on the 1.2M (1,280 X 960) image.

4. Various Applications
Vision inspection using NAVI AI Mercury can be used not only to classify such items but also to determine accepted/defective in high-speed environments.
Pill Inspection Information
Applied Solution
3D Camera
We will introduce the application case using LAON PEOPLE's 3D Camera in SI and its own vision SW development department.

Based on 3D-only SDK considering development convenience, it has been expanded to various applications. If you combine your vision SW technology and 3D Camera, you will experience an upgraded examination. One of the most frequently asked questions is, "Should I purchase a Calibration paid S/W Tool like any other 3D Camera?".

Overview of Inspection
  • Inspection Field: Pharmaceutical Product
  • Inspection Part: Fast-moving Pill Inspection
  • Inspection Item: Screening for defective pills (height, broken, peeled coating) / Optical Character Reading (OCR)

Strengths of LAON PEOPLE's 3D Camera
1. We simplify the injection and part pick-up motion using robot

2. We simplify the system
- You can use the 3D image information acquired in a single scan -> the system is simplified

If you use 3D Camera to check OCRs, you feel like you are losing something?
You can conduct more tests with scanning for once.

For example, 2D camera can inspect the broken area, but if you need to perform a broken and height inspection together, would you recommend using the 2D Camera and 3D Camera separately? You do not need to add a separate 2D camera because you can use one 3D camera for both broken and height inspections.