Industry-Specialized AI Model Generation Technology

Various problems occur in the industrial field’s AI projects. LAONPEOPLE has been researching solutions and technologies that can help the data gathering and refinement effectively which are the most difficult and time-consuming process from the customer's point of view. Finally, we are able to provide data-centric AI technology that shortens development time, minimizes cost, maximizes performance and eases maintenance.

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Industry-specialized AI Model Generation Technology Information

As shown below, Overcoming the limits of bias and deviation inherent in the dataset
is the main process in AI development, which means improvement of data in this process can give more efficient results. In addition, the performance of AI must also change according to changes in data or requirements after deploy,
which leads to problems of data change and re-learning ultimately.

LAONPEOPLE applied industrial AI technology for the first time in Korea and has been developing continuously.
When rule-based video processing algorithms dominated in the early days, LAONPEOPLE started providing
an optimized model to apply deep learning-based AI to the machine vision field easily.
We have been developing technologies to reduce the cost for AI-based vision solution construction at the manufacturing site, and to meet many difficult video processing conditions.

AI optimized for industrial image
LAONPEOPLE’s AI is optimized for industrial image and analyzes high-resolution machine vision image problems at high speed.

AI used by domain experts
LAONPEOPLE’s AI is a convenient and intuitive toolkit that can produce good results even if you are not an AI expert.

AI understands data
LAONPEOPLE’s AI provides data management functions, which makes the data keep valuable.

NAVI AI and ADAMS are developed to maintain the same performance as in the initial phase and to manage numerous data generated during mass production easily.
The software provides various data handling functions
- Efficient data gathering (most difficult process in AI projects)
- Minimization of the process of adding unnecessary data repeatedly in the learning process
- Shortening the data labeling time by using a convenient auto-labeling tool.

ADAMS helps you to manage data according to the perspective of AI by providing model performance management package services through database management,
server-based data collaboration, AI model learning/evaluation, and continuous learning.

LAONPEOPLE’s data-centric AI will shorten the customer's development period, minimize costs, and maximize performance.
We will provide technology that makes maintenance easier and accelerate applying AI to manufacturing sites.