LaonRoad Road Traffic Learning System with AI

LAONPEOPLE has the most experience in constructing AI learning data in the domestic transportation sector, based on these experiences, LAONPEOPLE is carrying out the R&D AI data construction business of the Ministry of Science and Technology and the AI data construction businesses tailored to the demand.

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Most AI learning data construction references in the domestic transportation sector

* [Ministry of Science and Technology AI Data Construction Project]
   - Hosted the AI learning data construction project in the traffic safety sector in 2020: $7.5 million volume in Highway, city road, drowsy driving, and vehicle recognition in Bucheon, Anyang, Daejeon (4 sectors - Korea Expressway Corporation)
  - Organized the ‘intersection signal data’ construction project in the transportation and logistics sector in 2021: 4X4 16 intersection network digital twin traffic data construction.

* [Korea Expressway Corporation AI learning system construction]
  - Construction of AI learning system for incident detection in national road in 2021. (Korea Expressway Corporation)
  Advancement of data gathering for training by applying Active Learning

* By applying Active Learning, it trains the data that needs learning intensively, and improves the performance after deep learning.
  - Conventional: Passive learning - No data gathering standards
  - Improvement: Active learning - Gather data that requires additional learning

AI training data construction references

* Ministry of Science and Technology(NIA) AI data construction project

* Hosted the AI learning data construction project in the traffic safety sector in 2020: $7.5 million volume in Highway, city road, drowsy driving, and vehicle recognition in Bucheon, Anyang, Daejeon (4 sectors - Korea Expressway Corporation)

LaonPeople AI Training Data Construction Business Promotional Video